Accessibility and

The Countdown2030europe undertakes to provide the Website countdown2030europe, in accordance with the Decree-Law no. 83/2018, of 19 October, which transposes Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and Council on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications.

I. Status of compliance

The Website countdown2030europe 
Countdown2030europe is fully compliant with the Decree-law no. 83/2018, of 19 October.

II. Preparation of this statement of accessibility

This statement was updated on 2023-08-07.

In accordance with article 9 of the DL no. 83/2018, entities must adopt the following monitoring procedures. Procedures A) and B) are mandatory. Procedure C) is recommended.

A. Automatic assessments carried out

  1. (2023-08-07). Report: Report of accessibility practices Web (WCAG 2.1 do W3C)
    • Tool used: accessMonitor
    • Sample: 29 pages.
    • Main results (summary): No total de 29 páginas foi obtido um score de 8.5 na escala do Access Monitor (1-10) tendo-se obtido os seguintes níveis de conformidade, AAA-1 não passou na bateria de testes, AA-1 não passou na bateria de testes e A-4 não passaram na bateria de testes.

B. Manual assessments carried out:

  1. (2023-08-07). Report: Summary – 10 aspects
    • Sample: 29 pages.
    • Main results (heuristics met/total applied heuristics): 20/24

C. Usability tests with people with disabilities:

The Website has not yet been tested with disabled users.

III. Contact and request of information regarding the Website

To contact, send suggestions, make complaints or request additional information regarding the contents and/or functionalities present on the the Website of Countdown2030europe, please use the following means:


IV. Other evidence

The Countdown2030europe did not submit, upon the filling of this Statement, other evidence or efforts to make its Website compliance with the accessibility requirements on DL no. 83/2018, of 19 October.

V. Denunciation of situations of discrimination

According to article 13.1 of Decree-Law no. 83/2018, of 19 October, whenever a person with disability is treated less favourably than another person in a comparable situation has been or will be treated, which constitutes a discriminatory practice against persons with disabilities, provided for and punished under the terms of article 4 of Law no. 46/2006, of 28 August, that person may, in accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 34/2007, of 15 February, file a complaint.

The National Institute for Rehabilitation (INR, I.P.), provides a form to report situations of discrimination, forwarding the complaints submitted to the competent authorities. Every year, the INR, I.P. prepares an annual report on the application of the law that prohibits and punishes discrimination on the grounds of disability and the existence of an aggravated health risk (Law no. 46/2006, of 28 August).


This Statement of Accessibility and Usability was created with the help of the WAI-Tools PT v1.5 Generator, developed in the scope of the WAI-Tools project, of which AMA is an integral part. The Statement was conceived in accordance with Decree-Law no. 83/2018, of 19 October.