Women’s empowerment, family planning and demography: a week of action in Paris
In France, the end of the Muskoka initiative generates many uncertainties about the future investments for family planning in public aid for development. In 2016,
Danish school kids call for action from decision makers: access to school and sexuality education
Danish school kids gather at Copenhagen city hall and square to celebrate the rights of young people and girls in particular. They will make a
Belgian Minister and MPs touched by women’s stories in the African pop-up family planning clinic
Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health Maggie De Block and members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group ‘Parliamentarians for the 2030 Agenda’ visited the one-day
A local appropriation of the Agenda 2030 is crucial to achieve SRHR for all
It is vital that actions that link the global agenda with national and local agendas are coordinated to achieve reproductive health and family planning services
A pop-up family planning clinic in the heart of the Belgian Federal Parliament
Sensoa, Countdown 2015 Europe’s Belgian partner and Secretariat of Belgian parliamentary group ‘Parliamentarians for the 2030 Agenda’ has invited Belgian Members of the Parliament and the Minister
Advance human rights, invest in family planning
Countdown 2015 Europe partners are pleased to announce a series of events across Europe, entitled “Advance Human Rights, Invest in Family Planning”. At least 225