Art that imagines a world where gender equality is a reality

As part of our #AWorldWhere campaign, SEDRA, our Spanish partner, organised a collage contest and exhibition. Young people across Spain were asked to submit collages portraying a world where gender equality is a reality.

#AWorldWhere is a campaign aiming to drive Europe’s global commitments on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), including family planning (FP), to meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets, advance gender equality and strengthen health systems.

The first prize was awarded to the artwork entitled “We are a rainbow. We are united”, by Jihad Chraa Ouarhrari. Jihad explained his collage to us saying the following:

“For me all people, despite being different, are like colors: when they combine with each other they end up generating something beautiful, just like when you paint a painting. Diversity always leads to something beautiful.”

Jihad Chraa Ouarhrari

The Second prize went to Maryam Salem Lo Presti for “Make your own dinner”.

There were a lot of inspiring submissions which we invite you to flip through in our catalogue. The artworks were showed to the public on two occasions in Pamplona and Madrid.

The artworks reflect the diversity that inhabits us and are full of creativity and a positive and vindictive outlook. Young people want for their visions, of a world where gender equality is a reality, to resonate with all people, including those who make political decisions about our lives and the future of humanity.

Read more about our policy asks to achieve #AWorldWhere all people are equal, free, fulfilled and have access to care:

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