The European Union (EU) is a unique actor in the development cooperation field – contributions from EU institutions and its 28 Member States make it the biggest multilateral provider of Official Development Assistance (ODA) worldwide.
The EU has been, and still is, one of the strongest supporters of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) overall, and Family Planning (FP) in particular. The EU institutions are committed to promoting SRHR in EU’s international cooperation and development policy, as reflected in various major policy documents.
The European Commission is currently preparing a proposal for its next multiannual budget (MFF), which will determine the EU’s annual spending from 2021 to 2027. This is a complex and highly political process, thus C2030E believes it’s crucial to keep SRHR and FP high on the political agenda.
In the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the EU must include earmarked funding for SRHR, including family planning, through an explicit SRHR budget line or by designating SRHR as an objective under various budget lines (health, education, youth empowerment, human rights, gender).
Regardless of how SRHR will be tackled in terms of budget lines, the EU should have a specific commitment in terms of funding levels, in order to ensure that SRHR are consistently taken up every year throughout 2021-2027.
Read the full factsheet: EU Development Funding.pdf
Photo: IPPF_Allison Joyce_India