
Universal Health Coverage: sexual and reproductive health and rights on the agenda, asks for European governments
The first UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting (HLM) on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a major political opportunity to progress the achievement of the SDGs

Universal Health Coverage: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights on the Agenda
This paper builds upon a previous version jointly written by Countdown 2030 Europe and Action for Global Health. It seeks to show how the World

What’s new? May 2019
In this issue we look at how European donors are supporting family planning through their development aid and how committed they remain over time. We

2019 Factsheet: European Donor Support to Sexual & Reproductive Health & Family Planning
Despite the global backlash against SRHR and an increasing anti-women’s rights sentiment entering European decision-making spaces, the past year saw financial and political commitments of

European Donor Support to Sexual & Reproductive Health & Family Planning: Trends Analysis 2017-18
This new Tracking report by Countdown 2030 Europe analyses the most recent trends in SRH/FP policies and funding by European donor countries, collected by Countdown 2030 Europe’s

Time is running out
Each year, our partners in three European donor countries (12 countries across the four years) organise a national ‘Counting down to 2020’ event to raise awareness with