
Joining Voices: Womb in Resonance
Womb in Resonance film reveals the challenges women face in accessing rights-based family planning in the Philippines. The film showcases stories from few families living

Europe’s Funding
One of the core functions of the Countdown 2015 Europe partners is to collect financial data on their governments’ official development assistance (ODA) to reproductive

Joining Voices: Postcard to hand to your Member of Parliament
Is your government delivering on its FP2020 commitment? Joining Voices has developed a FP2020 Postcard with three key action points, designed to be a concise

Joining Voices: Delivering family planning in Kenya
Joining Voices: Delivering family planning in Kenya Illustration: Yankova

FP and SRHR Highlights in Global Financing Facility consultation
IPPF and the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) have summarised the key points relating to family planning and SRHR in the ‘Consultations on updating the

Joining Voices: If I had known
“If I had known” tells the story of Beatrice Akoth in Kenya who has had no access to family planning and has struggled to cope