
No decent work and economic empowerment without sexual and reproductive health and rights
Sustainable growth and jobs creation are a priority of the European Commission in its internal and external policies. In its recent EU-Africa strategy, the Commission

How digitalisation and sexual and reproductive health and rights can strengthen one another
Digitalisation offers amazing opportunities for health and empowerment around the world, but ensuring equitable participation in the internet age throws up many challenges, and the

The link between sexual and reproductive health and rights and the European Green Deal
Overcoming the challenges of the climate crisis and environmental degradation is a key priority for the EU, including in its international cooperation. The European Commission

Private sector engagement in sexual and reproductive health: A look at modalities of donor support
Private sector engagement has received increasing focus in development discourse and practice in recent years, including with regard to sexual and reproductive health. Engagement with

What’s new? November 2020
In this issue, more about rights under pressure and how European donor governments are reacting to threats to sexual and reproductive rights, how will family

Supporting sexual and reproductive health and rights beyond 2020: a European vision
This paper is the outcome of a consultation with the foreign affairs ministries and development agencies of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands,