Comprehensive sexuality education is an integral part of education

EU Commissioner for International Partnerships Urpilainen has committed to increasing the EU Official Development Assistance (ODA) to education in partner countries to 10% and EU Delegations have prioritised education in their programming. Recognising the impact education can have on promoting gender equality, supporting youth and achieving sustainable development, Countdown 2030 Europe can only support prioritising education in EU funding. However, to be effective, it should include all aspects of education, including Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE).

CSE is critical to give young people the knowledge and skills they need to manage their health and form equal, fulfilling, and safe relationships, free from discrimination, coercion and violence.

To achieve the EU objectives in education, gender equality and human development, EU Delegations should include CSE in their education programmes:

  • Include CSE in training for teachers
  • Fund programmes of peer education for young people
  • Work with partner countries to ensure their inclusion and implementation of CSE in national curricula
  • Support the digitalisation of CSE
  • Adopt a holistic approach
  • Support CSOs in delivering and advocating for CSE.

Read more in our factsheet.

Photo credit: IPPF/Natalija Gormalova/Ghana

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