How can the European Union protect sexual and reproductive health and rights in COVID-19 times?

As the COVID-19 pandemic reaches regions with weak health systems and emerging economies, its impact on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is already massive. This is due to the de-prioritization and disruption in the provision of SRHR services as well as mobility restrictions and changes in health-seeking behaviours.

The COVID-19 crisis is an opportunity for the EU to further align its development policies on the Agenda 2030 and on the three pillars of sustainable development, economic, social and environmental. While the world starts planning for a post-pandemic recovery, the SDGs can help focus this recovery on inclusion, equality, and sustainability. The EU should seize the opportunity to “build back better” by creating more sustainable, resilient and inclusive societies where SRHR are well recognized and integrated.

These are our recommendations for the EU on SRHR and COVID-19.

Photo: IPPF_Samar-Abu-Elouf_Palestine

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