Sustainable Development Goals: A SRHR CSO guide for national implementation (IPPF)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a framework of 17 goals and 169 targets across social, economic and environmental areas of sustainable development, which United Nations (UN) Member States have committed to making a reality over the next 15 years.

The purpose of this paper is to set out what the new 2030 Agenda means for civil society organizations (CSOs) working on SRHR and how it can be used to push for progress at the national level. It details those targets that are relevant to our work, looks at how they relate to existing programmes and commitments and suggests ways to ensure that they are implemented.It describes specific actions that national advocates may want to consider taking to drive progress on the development and implementation of national plans, to play a role in monitoring and accountability of global commitments,and to support the measurement of progress.

Sustainable Development Goals: A SRHR CSO guide for national implementation (IPPF)

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Photo: IPPF_Hannah-Maule-ffinch_Cook-Islands

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