Countdown 2030 Europe advocates for increased funding and a higher quality of international cooperation funds for family planning as well as inclusion of sexual and reproductive health and rights and family planning (SRHR/FP) in national, European and global policy agendas.
We believe it is crucial to hold governments accountable for the funding and policy promises they made to protect the sexual and reproductive freedom of people across the globe.
Thus, one of our core activities is to collect financial data on Countdown 2030 Europe country governments’ Official Development Assistance (ODA) for SRHR/FP. Based on the latest data collected, we develop trends analyses for Europe and each of the individual European donor countries on support for SRHR/FP.
Countdown 2030 Europe is committed to publishing these reports annually.
To meet people’s care needs by safeguarding universal access to safe and modern methods of contraception, UNFPA has estimated that donors will need to increase their investment eightfold by 2030. Specifically, 65.1 billion Euros will be needed between 2020-2030; instead, donors across the globe have provided only 8 billion Euros up until 2023.
For a detailed and interactive overview of expenditures, check out our data tool further down.
Apart from tracking funding for SRHR/FP, Countdown 2030 Europe also looks at the relevant policies developed and analyses how vocal European donor countries and the European Union have been on the international stage with regards to SRHR/FP. See below our analysis including links to key policy documents and frameworks.
Read our latest tracking report, including summary factsheet and country and EU briefs, here.