European Donor Support to Sexual & Reproductive Health & Family Planning: Trends Analysis 2017-18

This new Tracking report by Countdown 2030 Europe analyses the most recent trends in SRH/FP policies and funding by European donor countries, collected by Countdown 2030 Europe’s national partners. The report shows that, despite the backlash against SRHR and an increasing anti-women’s rights sentiment entering our decision-making spaces, the past year saw financial and political commitments being solidified and support for SRHR being championed in many global fora.

The analysis demonstrates that SRH/FP funding largely remained protected, even where some cuts to Official Development Assistance (ODA) were made. The majority of European countries under review (10 out of 12) either increased or maintained funding to SRH/FP, and SRH/FP featured strongly as a key component in humanitarian and long-term development policies across European countries, complemented by renewed commitment and political focus from key European governments

Denmark showed the most significant increase in percentage growth in funding for SRH/FP, more than doubling its overall funding to SRH/FP. The combined figure for all 12 European donor countries gives an estimated support of 808 million Euros for 2017, an overall increase of 17% on 2016. The UK, Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden remain the largest donors. Amongst the large donors, the Netherlands did not show an increase in funding, but maintained 2016 levels. Increases were also reported by Belgium and Ireland, while Germany, France and Finland sustained 2016 levels. Only Spain and Switzerland decreased their funding.

On the policy side, European donors have strongly increased their commitment and focus on SRH/FP. Five new policy and strategy documents that have been endorsed in 2018 are testament to this. Of particular significance is the increased policy focus on SRH/FP in conflict and humanitarian settings, integrating SRH/FP as a key component in protecting the rights of women and girls, highlighted in new policies by for example Norway, the UK and the Netherlands. 

Going forward, advocacy will be key in maintaining this momentum and ensuring a continued focus on the critical issues of SRH/FP. With 2020 fast approaching, Countdown 2030 Europe will hold government’s feet to the fire to ensure SRH and FP remains on top of the international development agenda and funding commitments are translated into action.

Read also our factsheet.

Photo: IPPF_Georgina-Goodwin_Burundi

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